Certified Agile Leadership “CAL” E-T-O Workshop

Agile & Digital Innovation Training

Certified Agile Leadership “CAL” E-T-O Workshop

Available since September 27, 2020

Agile & Digital Innovation Training


3 Full Days

Course description

Attend "CAL" Certified Agile Leadership Essentials for Teams & Organizations (E-T-O) and start your journey to your next level of leadership. Learn how to make a difference with intention. Online and virtual, engaging and intense.

About the Workshop:
I want to be challenged and discover what kind of leader I am.
What does leadership mean for me?
What kind of leadership will help me achieve what I want?
Leadership is making a difference with intention. We focus on developing relationships, managing contexts and nurturing growth. In times of social distancing and working from home, all of these became harder and more important at the same time. All of the exercises of our training have been used remotely in the wild, now we are building the whole training from our and for our homes.
No matter if you are a manager with decades of experience or if leadership or agile is fairly new to you, this course creates a container for that diversity and ambiguity to fuel growth and learning for all. This is what you’ll take away: how to create containers for greatness to happen. And how you personally want to improve to be able to do that.

Target audience

- Executives, Manager and Leaders of all levels.
- Scrum-Master, Product Owner, Agile Coaches.
- Project and Team Leads.

What to Expect?

We believe that the most valuable and sustainable leadership learning happens in human interactions, in the development of relationships. We minimise the time you spend listening to us. We maximise the depth and breadth of leadership interaction and experience and then provide mental models to make sense of what you discover.

How does that Work?

The course starts with a survey and some preparation work before we meet, helping you to analyse your current knowledge in relation to the course. This helps you and the group to decide where to dive deeper and how to invest our face-to-face time. There will be a video call upfront where we will get to know each other. You focus on what to prepare and share your objectives for the course. We set you up for taking full responsibility for your learning journey during the two days we spend together.

We might ask you also to take the lead for a topic in the course. Everybody in the course will be challenged, independent of how long you’ve already been leading or how experienced you are in the agile context. Olaf will co-create the content with all of you, modelling the agile way of leading together: from the start of creating a container of trust until diving into successful examples of agile transformations. The most effective agile methods and tools as well as the TrustTemenos leadership model will be used to work with the content of the course. It is an art to know when to lead and follow. This course is special in that Olaf will be taking part as well and contributing their own personal stories. This fluent change of roles and responsibilities, deciding what to do in which context and situation is adding to your experience.

On the first day the focus will be on your personal journey. On day two we will apply our learnings and principles, along with our model and other tools to the frame of agile organizations. Be prepared to be surprised and challenged. You may bring your comfort zone but you might not spend much time in it.

Course teachers

Olaf Lewitz

Olaf is an expert on agile software development and organisational transformation. He supports you as an independent coach. He will help you to create a learning environment for your people to flourish. With more than 25 years of professional software development experience and more than 20 years of agile practice, he considers himself a veteran in the field. Olaf has led, trained, and coached teams and organisations of various industries and sizes during the past 20+ years. He’s seen and improved more than 100 organisations in every industry and dozens of countries. His motto is that of Nanny McPhee: “When you need me, but do not want me, I must stay. When you want me, but no longer need me, then I have to go.”

Olaf Lewitz
Olaf Lewitz

Course Plan

Section 01

Start your journey to your next level of leadership

Section 02

More clarity of who you are and what you want

Section 03

More awareness of how you manage contexts and develop relationships

Section 04

Clear focus on a growth challenge for the upcoming 6 month with a clear sense of progress

Section 05

A set of principles which apply to leading your life, your team and your organization

Section 06

You will have experienced the effect of a container of trust, which leads people to show up and integrates ambiguities and diversity into a driving force

Section 07

A long list of inspirations and recommendations


Coming soon.

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