Crafting the Ideal Scrum Team for Innovation

Crafting the Ideal Scrum Team for Innovation

Crafting the Ideal Scrum Team for Innovation


Author: Ahmed Dereaa, Agile Coach, Vidscola

With 10 years of experience in , starting as a Scrum Master and progressing to Agile Coach, I have had the privilege of working with a lot of Scrum teams, each Scrum Team with its unique dynamics and challenges. Throughout this journey, it has been an enlightening exploration of what makes a team not just functional but truly exceptional. Therefore, in this article, I will share insights from my experience and reflect on the common behaviors that characterized my best teams, ultimately illustrating how we reached a level of maturity and innovation together.

The Cornerstone of an Ideal Scrum Team: Safety

The most valuable foundation for building an ideal team is safety. Indeed, it’s the cornerstone of any successful team. When team members feel safe, they can express their thoughts without fear of judgment or blame. Consequently, this leads to innovative ideas and new ways of working that drive product success. Moreover, safety requires a courageous team that understands how their inputs are appreciated within their culture.

For example, in one of the best teams I worked with, the developers felt empowered to contribute directly to the product and suggest better solutions to achieve the desired business targets. This sense of safety and appreciation subsequently led to remarkable outcomes. Furthermore, all members of this team are now significant leaders in different companies. They experienced the value of courage and operated in an environment that welcomed their inputs. At one point, we designed a sprint to implement an idea from the development team without direction from the Product Owner or business people. Unsurprisingly, this resulted in one of the most used features on their platform.

Respect: The Key to Unlocking Potential

Alongside safety, respect is another crucial value that a Scrum Master must foster within the team. Moreover, respect for each other’s different cultures, expertise, and diversity is essential. My ideal team always respected these differences. Specifically, they understood that diversity is a powerful asset that brings various points of view to find the best solutions. As a result, when a team operates with safety, courage, and respect, it naturally develops a strong sense of ownership and dedication.

Transparency: The Clear Path Forward

These positive behaviors could not be achieved without transparency among the development team, Product Owner, and Scrum Master. Transparency allows the entire team to understand better any challenging situations or difficult times. It fosters an environment where everyone is aware of the realities and can contribute to finding solutions collectively.

Embracing Failure as a Stepping Stone

Do you think the dream team never fails? Unfortunately, they do, but what distinguishes a great team is its ability to get back on track quickly. During my time working with one of my ideal teams, we encountered several challenges that required us to adapt and change some of our company processes. This adaptability ensured that we could deliver on our commitments, even when faced with external blockers. The team’s ability to learn from these setbacks and continuously improve was a testament to their resilience and dedication.

The Power of Collaboration and Continuous Improvement

One of the most inspiring aspects of working with high-performing Scrum teams is witnessing the power of collaboration and continuous improvement. In one particular project, we faced significant challenges that required us to rethink our approach entirely. The team came together, leveraging their diverse skills and perspectives, to devise innovative solutions. This collaborative effort not only addressed the immediate issues but also laid the groundwork for long-term success.

The practice of regular retrospectives played a vital role in our journey towards maturity. By reflecting on what went well and what could be improved, the team continuously refined their processes and enhanced their performance. This culture of continuous improvement was not limited to the development team but extended to all stakeholders, including the Product Owner and business partners. It created a shared commitment to excellence and innovation.

The Role of Leadership in Fostering an Ideal Team

Leadership plays a critical role in fostering an ideal Scrum team. Indeed, as an Agile coach, I have seen firsthand how effective leadership can inspire and empower teams. Specifically, it’s about creating an environment where team members feel valued, trusted, and motivated to give their best. Therefore, leaders must be servant-leaders, prioritizing the team’s needs and facilitating their growth and development.

For instance, in one of my most successful engagements, the leadership team embraced the Agile mindset wholeheartedly. Consequently, they provided the necessary support and resources for the Scrum teams to thrive, encouraged experimentation, and celebrated successes.

As a result, this leadership approach created a positive feedback loop, where the teams felt increasingly confident and capable of taking on ambitious goals.

Conclusion: Setting the Foundation for Success

I highly recommend starting your journey with any team by setting working agreements and defining team core values. To begin with, these shouldn’t just be values in name but should be discussed in depth to understand how they will impact team performance. Specifically, you’ll likely agree on the Scrum five values—Respect, Openness, Courage, Commitment, and Focus—and you’ll add other values that will help the team excel.

In conclusion, crafting the ideal Scrum team is a journey that requires a focus on safety, respect, transparency, and continuous improvement. Consequently, by fostering these values and providing effective leadership, teams can achieve remarkable levels of innovation and success. As an Agile coach, it’s been incredibly rewarding to see teams grow, overcome challenges, and become leaders in their own right. Furthermore, the lessons learned from these experiences continue to shape my approach to coaching and team development, ensuring that the journey towards creating ideal Scrum teams is both fulfilling and impactful.

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